News from the Central 2 Region
Sharon Rendon, Central 2 Regional Director
Summer 2017

Greetings to all NCSM members from South Dakota, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri and Nebraska! It is hard to believe that summer is just about over and we are getting ready to launch another successful school year here in the great Midwest.

I am excited to be joining the NCSM board as your regional director. I have been serving as the membership and marketing chairperson for the past 3 years. I look forward to getting out to meet you in the region and see how the organization might support you in your current work.

As you get ready to gear up for fall be sure to check out these learning opportunities in the region.

Iowa: ICTM will host the annual math conference on Monday, October 9 in West Des Moines, IA. The featured keynote is Max Ray-Riek for The Math Forum at NCTM. The IOWA AMTE will also be hosting a conference on Sunday, October 9 in Des Moines, IA.

Kansas: The KATM is proud to welcome Andrew Stadel as the 2017 Conference Keynote Speaker for the conference to be held on October 16 in Topeka, Kansas.

Minnesota: The MN Math Leaders and MDE will be hosting a 2-day Leadership Series featuring Dr. Tim Kanold. Inspiring Students to Learn Mathematics: Leading and Sustaining a Coherent Vision for Mathematics Teaching and Learning, is designed to help school and district leadership teams implement K-12 mathematics programs that sustain and improve the learning of each and every student over time.

Missouri: The MCTM Fall Conference, SUM Mathematics For Everyone, will be held on Friday and Saturday, December 1-2, 2017, in Columbia, MO, at the Holiday Inn Executive Center.

Nebraska: The NATM is excited to bring math and science teachers together for the Joint Annual Conference. The Keynote will be delivered by Derrick Nero, a former Electrical Engineer and middle school math teacher who is now a leading expert in Nebraska on engineering education in K-12 schools. This event will take place on September 7-8, 2017 in Kearney, Nebraska.

North Dakota: The ND State NDCTM/NDSTA conference was held this last spring in Minot, ND. The annual conference for 2018 will be in spring. Exact dates have not been advertised, yet.

South Dakota: The SDCTM has had a busy summer by hosting a summer symposium and promoting other opportunities for professional development. They will host their annual conference in February 2018.

Wisconsin: This fall the Wisconsin Mathematics Council brings the Mathematical Proficiency for Every Student Conference to the Wisconsin Dells. This two-day workshop will focus on formative assessment, access and equity. The keynote speakers will by Cheryl Tobey and Lee V. Stiff. Additional information about this opportunity can be found here.

For more information about each conference, check out the NCSM Calendar of Events. If you have an event to be added to our regional calendar, let me know.

Wishing you all a fantastic rest of summer, enjoy the last few weeks of relaxation and rejuvenation!
