News from the Eastern 1 Region
Cathy Boutin, Eastern 1 Regional Director
Summer 2019

Dear Eastern Region 1 members and friends-

Summer weather has finally hit the Northeast.:-)

It was wonderful seeing several of you at the NCSM Annual Meeting and regional caucus in San Diego. Those of you who were unable to attend will receive updates from your Regional Team Leaders in August/September with information on professional learning opportunities in our region.

NCSM launched two new books as part of the NCSM Essential Actions series. Grab yourself a copy today! If you are looking for some additional professional learning or reading check out the NCSM newsletter.

Following please find some information on upcoming events, grants & awards

Awards & Grants & Professional Learning Opportunities

Other great opportunities to surround yourself with the right people to support you are the Eastern 1 Conferences happening this summer and fall.

  • New Cubed 2019
    The Associations of Mathematics Teachers of New York, New Jersey, and New England are once again joining together to offer a premier conference for mathematics educators in the northeast. The third "New Cubed" conference will be held at Siena College from June 30th to July 3rd.
  • Mathematics Educator Convergence
    From August 5 – 7, 2019, Columbus Academy, will be hosting their first annual Mathematics Educator Convergence. Please note public school teachers will be reimbursed for their registration fee upon attending the conference.
  • Math is STEMsational!!!
    2019 VCTM Fall Conference
    October 4th, 2019
    Castleton University, Castleton Vermont
    Know someone who would like to attend? Share this flyer!

If you are attending the New Cubed Conference, please be sure to connect with me.

Wishing you a relaxing and rejuvenating summer~