Web Editor

Natalie Crist

Natalie Crist

Coordinator of Elementary Mathematics, Baltimore County Public Schools

105 W. Chesapeake Ave
Towson, MD 21204

(410) 596-3291


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Personal Message

Currently, as the Coordinator of Elementary Mathematics for Baltimore County Public Schools in Maryland, I am able to use my leadership experience to promote equity in mathematics through professional development, curriculum development, and work with local universities. With technology as a major influence within the goals to provide opportunities for all students to have access to rich mathematics curricular materials and access learning opportunities within my school district, I have had the opportunity to utilize my skill set to support the digital initiative both locally and within NCSM.

Coaching and providing professional development around high quality mathematics instruction to site based administrators and teachers is a key aspect of my daily work. I strive to develop rich opportunities for ALL students to learn at high levels.

Member Story

My journey as a mathematics educator began in 1993 at the University of Delaware, as an elementary education major with a concentration in mathematics. I then moved to Southern California, where I had the opportunity to serve as an educator in a school system with a large population of second language learners. This is where I began to learn more about leadership in mathematics as an educator and a curriculum writer. In 2003, I moved to Maryland and taught in two different school systems with a diverse population. I became a mathematics resource teacher and enrolled in McDaniel College to gain a Master of Science in Elementary Mathematics Education. My journey as a leader in mathematics truly began here. I became part of a group of mathematics educators that worked to promote the development of elementary mathematics specialist programs and state certification. The Elementary Mathematics Specialist and Teacher Leader Project provided opportunities to network with other mathematics educators, attend conferences, and participate in professional development. This is how I learned about NCTM and NCSM. I first became a member of NCTM and later a member of NCSM as my leadership roles changed. I had the opportunity to serve as an elementary administrator for 7 years. As an assistant principal and principal, I was able to use my understanding of high quality mathematics to promote learning for ALL students. I have worked with NCSM as a volunteer and as part of the Coaching Initiative.

Currently, a Maryland state certified Mathematics Specialist for Baltimore County Public Schools in Maryland, I am able to use my leadership experience to promote equity in mathematics through professional development, curriculum development, and work with local universities. With technology as a major influence within the goals to provide opportunities for all students to have access to rich mathematics curricular materials and access learning opportunities within my school district, I have had the opportunity to utilize my skill set to support the digital initiative both locally and within NCSM.

I am excited to provide technology support to the council and members through the website management and design.