Kay Gilliland Gallery of Awardees

Congratulations to Thomasenia Adams, the 2020 Kay Gilliland Equity Lecture Awardee

Thomasenia Adams

Thomasenia Adams

Thomasenia Adams will deliver the Kay Gilliland Equity Lecture titled “From the Perils of Inequity to The Champion of Equity – The Reign of Mathematical Power” at the NCSM Annual Conference in Atlanta, GA.

Kay Gilliland Equity Lecture

Mathematics leaders are in an important and unique position to set priorities, influence change, and impact conversations. Recent unfortunate social events in this nation have affected the lives of the education community, especially its students. Understanding the historical perspective of these events is key. Silence in the face of injustice conveys the impression that prejudicial behavior is condoned or not worthy of attention. Today there are ‘calls’ for professional learning offerings that include understanding and respecting the lived experiences and realities of students. There are implications for leaders to build stronger relationships with teachers and each other. Additionally, there is new learning to be considered for our work.

Dr. Fulmore has worked to ensure equity in mathematics education for all children for as long as she can remember. Her professional teaching career began in Fort Wayne, IN. and continued to Arizona, where she taught secondary school mathematics in the Phoenix Union High School District and was Outstanding Teacher of the Year two years in a row at Central High School. She later became a school and district administrator before beginning a second career as mathematics education consultant in schools and districts throughout the United States. As a consultant, she helped teachers improve instruction, develop better assessments and use data more effectively. She states: “Often, I have been the only voice for equity in the room and have learned to never miss an opportunity to stand up for what’s right and what’s fair.”

Kay Gilliland

The National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics is an organization whose membership is made up of leaders in the field of mathematics education. One of those members who gave especially of her time and energy was Kay Gilliland. Mills College and EQUALS gave her the courage and the skills to work for equity in mathematics for all students, especially low-income, black, Latino, and indigenous peoples. NCSM enabled her to learn and work locally, nationally, and internationally to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics. Kay Gilliland was a vibrant and service-oriented President of NCSM and served as a conscientious editor of the NCSMs newsletter for more than seven years. In all of her work, Kay promoted a focus on equity in mathematics education.

Each year, NCSM members take time out to nominate and honor a leader in mathematics who has made the same kind of unique and dedicated contribution to mathematics education as Kay Gilliland.

If you are a current NCSM member, consider nominating a worthy candidate.

Previous Kay Gilliland Equity Lecture Award Recipients

Linda Fulmore
“Mathematics Leaders ‘Answering the Call’ for Educational Change”
Eden Badertscher
"Empowering Teachers to Disrupt Racial Inequities: The Fundamental Praxis of Becoming a Change Agent"
Florence Glanfield
"Learning About Equity in Mathematics Education through the Lens of Indigenous Perspectives"
Cathy Seeley
"Visibly and Invisibly Helping Every Teacher Help Every Student Achieve"
Uri Treisman
"Ensuring That College and Career Readiness Standards Lead to College and Career Readiness"
Jo Boaler
"Cutting Through the Smoke Screen: Erasing Mathematics Inequality Through Research and Action"
Miriam Leiva
"Equity for Each Learner: Equitable Practices to Engage and Build Student Mathematical Knowledge."