Elections Position Descriptions

Elected Board Member Job Descriptions

There are many ways to get involved with NCSM. Serving on the Board is one of them. If you are thinking about running for an elected Board position or know someone else who would make a fine Board member, read through the job descriptions to choose a perfect match.

Please note:

  • a President Elect takes office every other year
  • a new Second Vice President is elected every year
  • only three new Regional Directors are elected each year

Should you have any questions regarding nominations and elections, please contact Donna Leak, NCSM Nominations Chair. If you have an interest in getting involved with NCSM in some other way, please contact Mona Toncheff, NCSM President or any member of our NCSM Board of Directors.


NCSM Board of Directors
NCSM Regional Directors

President Elect Summary of Duties

Summary of Duties (as President Elect):

  • Serve as a member of the Annual Conference Committee for the conference held during the years in office as President.
  • Serve as a member of the Program Committee for the annual meeting.
  • Serve in lieu of the President when appropriate.
  • Prior to taking office as President, prepare a list of nominees for appointments. This list is to be presented to the Board for approval at the Board meeting immediately preceding the annual meeting.
  • Assume such duties as the President and/or Board may determine.

Summary of Duties (as President):

  • Serve as a member of the Annual Conference Committee for the conference held during the years in office as President.
  • Serve as executive officer of the Council and Board, using his/her centralizing leadership and direction to unify and focus on the continuation and furtherance of the purposes of the Council. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
  • Organize and publish an agenda for Board meetings concerning topics of vital concern to the Council and provide adequate time for discussion and committee work within the stated length of time for which the Board was convened.
  • Preside at all Board meetings and at the annual business meetings of the Council.
  • Appoint Committee chairpersons as provided by the articles and Bylaws. Each chairperson is to receive a written description of the committee work within one month of appointment.
  • Forward to the NCTM representative copies of any correspondence resulting from the NCTM-NCSM relationship.
  • Work with the contractor providing membership and registration services to facilitate delivery of these services.
  • Prepare an annual report for the membership of the Council, which is to appear in the post-annual-meeting issue of the official NCSM publication.
  • Make provisions for the study of future needs and direction of the Council.
  • Exercise leadership in assisting the Board to develop the on-going activities of the Council.
  • Perform such other duties as shall be assigned by the Board.

Summary of Duties (as Past President):

  • Assist the President relative to the transfer of office.
  • Serve in an advisory capacity in order to enable the officers to carry out the purposes of the Council and to better serve the membership.
  • Act as a major advisor to the President.
  • Serve as member of the Program Committee for the annual meeting.
  • Serve in lieu of the President when necessary.
  • Assist the Secretary in compiling the records of the previous two years.
  • Assume such duties as the President and/or the Board may determine.

Term of Office: One year as President Elect, two years as President, and one year as Past President

Second Vice President Summary of Duties

Summary of Duties (as Second VP):

  • Serve as a member of the Annual Conference Committee.
  • Serve as a member of the Program Committee.
  • Serve as the Volunteer Recruitment and Management Chair for the annual meeting during the year in office.
  • Recruit, schedule, and manage volunteers to assist with Annual Conference logistics and events including conference bag stuffing, early bird registration, on site registration, and ticketed events.
  • Become First Vice President the second year in office.
  • Assume such duties as the Board and/or President may determine.

Summary of Duties (as First VP):

  • Serve as a member of the Annual Conference Committee.
  • Serve as Chairperson of the Program Committee for the annual meeting during the year in office.
  • Appoint the members of the Program Committee, which shall include the Past President or the President-Elect, and the Second Vice-President.
  • Organize and develop the Annual Conference theme, strands, and speaker proposal forms.
  • Set the conference program timeline and speaker deadlines.
  • Schedule all program sessions including sponsor showcases, regional caucuses, and special interest groups.
  • Serve as executive officer of the Board whenever the President, Past President or the President-Elect is unavailable.
  • Assume such duties as the Board and/or President may determine.

Term of Office: One year as Second Vice President, one year as First Vice President

Regional Director Summary of Duties

Summary of Duties:

  • Reside or be employed in the region represented. If during the term of office a Director moves from the region, a new Director shall be appointed by the President.
  • Represent the region at all Board meetings.
  • Organize events for members of the Council at NCTM and/or meetings within the region as appropriate.
  • Plan meetings for members of the Council at any NCTM conference scheduled through December of the year the Director’s term expires.
  • Promote membership in the Council among those eligible.
  • Encourage the support of Council activities.
  • Recommend members from the region to be considered by the Nominations Committee as candidates for offices in the Council.
  • Seek Glenn Gilbert National Leadership Award nominees.
  • Prepare written reports of regional activities to be submitted at meetings of the Board.
  • Assist in planning the Annual Conference.
  • If the Annual Conference is located in the region served during the term of office: coordinate all Regional Director assistance at ticketed, major, and special conference events; and provide local assistance, support, and publicity within the region.
  • Write and solicit articles for official NCSM publications from Council members within the region.
  • Assume such duties as the President and/or Board may determine.

Term of Office: Three years