Local Arrangements Chair

Personal Message

As the current Mathematics Curriculum Coordinator for Griffin Spalding County Schools in Georgia, I see myself as a teacher advocate, Every chance I get, I advocate that teachers 1) receive adequate training to do what is expected of them, 2) are provided the time and space to collaborate in settings that are professional and supportive, and 3) are provided resources that adequately support rigorous mathematics instruction.

I am also passionate about providing positive mathematical experiences for marginalized students who have not previously experienced mathematical success. For me, "success" is not simply passing a class, but rather being able to use mathematics as a tool to reason, analyze, communicate, and open doors of opportunity. I feel that for too many students, mathematics class means confusion, failure, heartache, lack of confidence, and feeling like a "dummy." Therefore, it is my goal to support teachers to help all their students have positive and empowering experiences with mathematics.